Title: Financial Coordinator
- If you could trade places with anyone from any century, who would it be? Why?
I don't know if this counts but Doctor Strange. I would be trusted to guard the time stone with my life PLUS I get super cool powers and look cool while fighting with my cool cape and opening portals and traveling through time and being able to see the future outcomes with different possibilities!
- If you could possess one super-human power, what would it be?
Teleportation! It's so expensive to fly ANYWHERE from Hawaii... Plus, I can avoid the terrible Hawaii traffic!
- You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?
Blue! It's my favorite color and it's the color of the sky on a beautiful day!
- If you could be any food, what would it be and why?
Anything to do with noodles! They come in different styles and tastes and different cuisines put their own spin on it. (plus it's my favorite food hehe)
- What is your spirit animal?
My favorite animal is a sea otter but my spirit animal probably will be a red panda. I get startled easily but look cute while doing it! (jk)